Designing a Modern Office Space: Incorporating Epoxy Flooring for Aesthetic Appeal

Are you tired of the same old bland interior of your office space and looking to jazz it up to make it lively? In cooperative spaces, the interior plays a considerable role—from giving the visitor a first impression of the place to setting the workers’ productivity tone. While maintaining a professional feel for office spaces is a must, it doesn’t mean the place has to be dull. With epoxy flooring, you can transform your office space into something elegant, aesthetic, and functional.

Epoxy floors have become a valuable addition to modern office spaces.
Americote’s  718 HB HG Epoxy offers a customizable solution to design the office space to your needs and aesthetics. Let’s explore what makes this product the ultimate product in modernizing your workplace, one that is not just beautiful to the eyes but also fulfills all your demanding needs. 

Understanding 718 HB HG Epoxy

718 HB HG Epoxy is a versatile epoxy resin with a customizable design possibility to your liking. It blends with quartz granules, flake, silica, or aluminum oxide broadcast into the surface. The 718 HB HG EPOXY fills the floor or translational spaces seamlessly with guaranteed long-lasting high gloss. Its stand-out design is easy to maintain and has high chemical resistance, so cleaning it is quick and efficient. The best feature of this product is its compatibility with multiple coatings, allowing it to be used for thin millimeters or high-build applications as per one’s need. 

Modern Office Solution: Epoxy Office Floor

Customization of Epoxy Resin

You can chuck the one-size-fits-all concept with 718 HB HG Epoxy. Its impressive, versatile resin mixes with quartz, flake, silica, or aluminum oxide into the mixture, providing ample design options. From choosing the texture for your office floor to color, patterns, and design, this product allows you to create unique flooring to represent your brand and customize your space.

Cleaning and Maintenance Ease

In an office environment where cleanliness, spotless floors, and hygiene are critical, our 718 HB HG Epoxy is extremely easy to clean and maintain. The seamless application eliminates the floor’s cracks, bumps, and crevices, allowing dirt, mold, and debris to take their place. In addition, it is highly resistant to chemicals, which allows strong acid or caustic cleaners to be used. So whether you spill food or water, have dirty footprints, or have dust on the floor, our low-maintenance product ensures cleaning is never a hassle. Use the SC450 scrubber with AmeriCote’s Super Cleaner for a hassle-free maintenance routine for large office spaces. Additionally, installing the AmeriCove cove base for a more sanitary, seamless floor system without 90-degree angles prevents buildup and collection of dirt and debris.

Quick and Easy Application

The 718 HB HG Epoxy application transforms your office floor with minimal disruption to your productivity. After a thorough cleaning and floor preparation session, the resin is spread seamlessly during the application, with thickness ranging from 12 mils to 3 inches per coat. Given the settling time of 3 hours, it’s ideal for recoating. Walking on the floor is allowed merely 6 hours following application, and the area can return to full operation in just 24 hours, allowing you to resume work with hardly any downtime.

Enhanced Aesthetics

The high-glossy and reflective properties of the 718 HB HG Epoxy make the place naturally brighter and lively. Safety and productivity are precious, especially in an office setting. This product’s glossy finish, when paired with lighting placements, amplifies the brightness and reduces the need for additional light fixtures. So, with 718 HB HG Epoxy, you’re investing in modernizing your office space and making an energy-efficient choice.

Epoxy floors are the trump card for revamping your workspace into a stylish and modern space. Because of their longevity, ease of maintenance, versatility, and minimal downtime, epoxy floors have become a must-have in professional spaces. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t settle for mundane office flooring, and upgrade your workspace with the transformative power of 718 HB HG Epoxy.